Roberta Writes: Thursday Doors, CFFC and Sunday Stills #fondant #animals #poems

This week, I’ve rolled a few challenges together again as Thursday Doors and CFFC go well together. I have a slightly different agenda for Sunday Stills but it is flora and the other two are fauna so it goes in my head.

The doors below for Dan’s Thursday Doors challenge, are from our trip to Welgevonden Private Game Reserve in December. We stayed at a game lodge called Nedile and these are doors from the lodge. You can join in Thursday Doors here:

Cee’s CFFC challenge this week is the front of any item. It was a challenge find pictures of animals from the front. Most of mine see to be from the side. You can join in Cee’s challenge here:

White lioness from the front
Cape buffalo from the front

Terri’s Sunday Stills challenge this week is Things that grow. I have included some of my fondant and cake art photographs for this challenge. You an join in Terri’s challenge here:

This is the Van Gogh Sunflower Field cake I made for my husband’s 50th birthday. Each sunflower took between 5 and 6 hours to make as each petal is individually wired and attached to the centre of the flower. I designed the petals and cut them out of green fondant. I then coloured them with green and yellow powdered food colouring. The background is my joke – it is a Van Gogh Sunflower Field cake with a Starry Fish background.
This is the cake with the candles lit.
This is my sunflower field done with oil pastels.

My favourite poem in my poetry book, Lion Scream, is called The Romance of the Sunflowers. You can listen to it here:

Lastly, this is my final poem for Freya Pickard’s Pure Haiku challenge. The theme was white orchids on a black background:

I will be travelling next week so this is my last post until I return on 12 July.

101 thoughts on “Roberta Writes: Thursday Doors, CFFC and Sunday Stills #fondant #animals #poems

  1. Fantastic fondant florals (sorry couldn’t resist), Robbie! You put a lot of time into those and they look so real! Love the lion and cape buffalo and the doors to the lodge look so restful. Enjoy your time off and see you in July!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful poem, tasty-looking birthday cake (lucky husband) a great photo of the lion and what a painter. And the girl writes! Is there nothing you cannot do, Robbie?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lion Scream is such an amazing book, fun, beautiful photos and great videos, beautiful poems, it’s educational and has an important message. It was wonderful to hear you read from it. The fondant cake art is amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I enjoyed listen to you read and learning more about sunflowers. The cake is amazing! I like the animal photos, especially the cape buffalo who looks almost three dimensional.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Your husband is so lucky to have such a gorgeous sunflower birthday cake (and such a gorgeous wife, of course). You never cease to amaze with your creations.
    Enjoy your travels.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Robbie, you are an all round creative, from writing to photography. Oil pastels to to fondant art. To youtube and writing books. Always such an inspiration. With a fulltime job, a family, and family health issues. How you fit it all in and not lose you, is so inspirational.


  7. I can’t complain about my three-hour potato salad now. You burst my grumpy bubble. What a lot of time you put on this sunflower cake. I enjoyed the poem. I wish I could make it louder, though. I have my sound turned up all the way, and the same on the video. I had the same problem with Cindy’s recent video, too, so it’s definitely my problem. Great post, Robbie.

    Liked by 1 person

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